Information for 2019–2024 is available at this link
  • 27.04.2023
  • 2152

LIST OF AFFILIATES OF JSC «National Electric Grid of UZBEKISTAN» as of September 01, 2021

Surname name patronymic of an individual or full name of a legal entity Location (place of residence), (state, region, city, district) The basis on which they are recognized as affiliates Onset date


Ministry of Finance The Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent city A legal entity that owns 20 or more percent of the shares of a joint stock company 20.12.2020


Isakulov Dadajon Ainakulovich Tashkent city Person exercising the powers of a member of the management board (chairman of the board) 05.05.2020


Elmurodov Kholik Boboyorovich Tashkent city Person exercising the powers of a member of the management board (first deputy chairman of the board) 05.05.2020


Artikov Sobirjon Sadullaevich Tashkent city Person exercising the powers of a member of the management board (first deputy chairman of the board)



Kurbonov Feruz Mustafoevich Tashkent city Person exercising the powers of a member of the management board (deputy chairman of the board) 05.05.2020
6 Ashirboev Zhasur Tohirovich Tashkent city Person exercising the powers of a member of the management board (deputy chairman of the board) 21.10.2020


Saidova Galina Karimovna Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board



Nasritdinkhodjaev Omonullo Zabikhullaevich Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021


Khodzhaev Sherzod Hikmatullaevich Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021


Khadzhikhanov Boriy Abirkhanovich Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021


First Deputy Director of the Agency for State Assets Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ex officio) Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021


Independent Member / Kariev Bakhodir Davranjanovich (before appointment as an independent member) Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021
  Independent Member / Tashkent city Member of the Supervisory Board 16.07.2021


JSC "Uzenergoengineering" Tashkent city A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company



JSC "Elektrqishloqqurilish" Tashkent city A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company



JSC «Savdoenergo»

Surkhandarya region A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company



LLC "Energomaxsusavto" Tashkent city A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company




Tashkent city A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company



LLC «Gridcon»

Tashkent city A legal entity with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Joint Stock Company



Legal entities with 20 or more percent in the authorized capital owned by the Ministry of Finance Tashkent city

